Fall. 2004

Prof. Jean Humphreys
Office Phone: 214-333-5262  
Fax: 214-333-6819
Office: LC 229
Email: jean@dbu
all email must include your name and JUVDEL in the subject line
URL: http://www.dbu.edu/jeanhumphreys/
Office Hours:  
TTH 8:30-9:30; T 12:30-2:30; TH 11-3(in office); Fri. 11-1 (online)


SOCI 3302-01 (PSYC 3302-01, CRJS 3302-01)
Fall, 2004
Class: LC 318


A study of deviant behavior by legal minors in contemporary society; factors and conditions contributing to delinquency; control and treatment of offenders and programs for prevention.


Upon completion of this course, students will acquire these competencies (skills/abilities):

    1. Comparison and analysis of the theoretical explanations of the causes, dynamics, and consequences of juvenile delinquency
    2. Examination of  the environmental influences on delinquency, as well as prevention of juvenile delinquency
    3. Have an increased understanding of the issues of law enforcement related to juvenile delinquency
    4. Examine the juvenile court system and its handling of cases, as well as other methods of treatment of children and adolescents
    5. Evaluate the issues of juvenile delinquency in the context of a Christian worldview in order to become more effective servant leaders


Juvenile Delinquency: The Core, second edition by Siegel

Book Companion Site


What Can We Do about Violence? (video)
Kids in the Crossfire video
Criminal Justice Resource Center
MLA Style


1. Childhood and Delinquency.
2. The Nature and Extent of Delinquency.
3. Individual Views of Delinquency.
4. Sociological Views of Delinquency.
5. Developmental Views of Delinquency.
6. Gender and Delinquency.
7. The Family and Delinquency.
8. Peers and Delinquency: Juvenile Gangs and Groups.
9. Schools and Delinquency.
10. Drug Use and Delinquency.
11. The History and Development of Juvenile Justice.
12. Police Work with Juveniles.
13. The Juvenile Court Process: Pretrial, Trial, and Sentencing.
14. Juvenile Corrections: Community Treatment and Secure Institutions


Textbook Assignments:

Assigned chapters in the textbooks are to be read by the date indicated in the class schedule.   After reading the chapter you should complete the study material from the online website.  This will prepare the student for class discussion and help them to be able to synthesize the material presented in class.  In other words, you are more likely to stay awake! And yes, this is not for a "grade" but for your "learning pleasure."  The textbook website The Core includes for each chapter:

   •   Chapter Objectives    •   Chapter Outline    •   Chapter Summary    •   Glossary

   •   Concentration    •   Concept Builders    •   Crossword Puzzle    •   Flashcards    •   Tutorial Quiz    •   Final Exam

Completing these learning opportunities will help the student prepare for tests, but  will not be graded.

Written Assignment

The students will bring one current event from a newspaper, magazine, professional journal, etc. related to each of the following topics of discussion.  The student is to have a brief written synopsis of the article (less than one page)  and bibliographic references. Ten articles will be submitted in a folder (the flimsy, cheap paper kind), with each individual synopsis, bibliographical reference, and  the copy of the article.  References must include at least two online sources and two professional printed journals.  These will enhance both Writing and Technology Across the Curriculum. And yes, these printed journals must be from those dusty library shelves, and not from your computer.

These topics include:

Mass Media
Female Delinquency
Youth Violence
Juvenile Policing
Juvenile Law or Court
Juvenile Corrections

The student should also be prepared to present these to the class, during pertinent discussions. Students will be graded on their creativity, ability to follow instructions and include the required information, the variety of entries, and their class participation. These may be kept by the instructor, so the student should make a copy of this before turning it in if so desired. They are due on the date given at the beginning of class.  After that ten points will be deducted per calendar day.

Use the following guidelines for this assignment, as appropriate.   Most of these should be less than one page in length.

Cover sheet for first page
These articles should be attached to or copied onto an 8 1/2 X 11 paper
Margins (one to one-and-a half inches on all sides)
Double-spacing (quotations longer than five lines will be indented one inch from the left margin)
Paragraph indention (one-half to one inch)
Left justification
Use 12-point fonts
Avoid "widows," which are single lines separated by a page break
Basic grammar for formal writing
Spelling and punctuation
Do not use contractions or first person pronouns
Use APA or MLA form and procedure
Further help with writing may be found in the writing lab
(Yes, I know this isn't an English class!)


Three exams will be given on the dates indicated in the class schedule. All exams will cover only the material presented or assigned since the last previous exam. The questions will be taken from the lectures, class discussions and textbook. These may include material from the videos.  The exam will be primarily objective. All exams taken in class will require a Scantron form 882-ES. No make-up exams will be given after the class has taken an exam. After the first student leaves, no one will be permitted to begin the exam. Don't be late!  No beepers, cellular telephones, programmable calculators, or electronic dictionaries may be used during a test.   Remember the Honor Code!


Absences for any reason must be kept to a minimum. If you are absent, you are expected to complete the assignments found on the course schedule.   Two tardies will equal one absence and it is your responsibility to check after class and make sure you were counted present.  So that you do not steal time from your classmates, do not come to class more than 15 minutes late.  (Don't assume you can find a nice close parking spot!!)  If you miss more than 25 percent of the total classes (or more than seven classes), you will receive an F.

Final Exam:

A comprehensive final exam will be given as scheduled. This grade may be used to replace your lowest major exam grade. If you are absent when an exam is given, that zero will be dropped and replaced by the final exam grade. If you are in class to take all scheduled exams, and if you are satisfied with your class average, you are not required to take the final.

Extra Credit: 

If all work is completed and turned in on time, there is an extra credit assignment, worth up to 3 points on the final grade.  Read and complete a 3-5 page book review of Superpredators:  The Demonization of Our Children by the Law by Peter T. Elikann.  You may find this book in your library, bookstore, or from amazon.com.


This class will be graded on a percentage basis, as shown below.



Written Assignment


Exam #1


Exam #2


Exam #3




Grading System

A 94-100% C 74-77%
A- 90-93% C- 70-73%
B+ 88-89% D+ 68-69%
B 84-87% D 64-67%
B- 80-83% D- 60-63%
C+ 78-79% F <60%

GPA Grading System

A/A+ 4.00 C 2.00
A- 3.67 C- 1.67
B+ 3.33 D+ 1.33
B 3.00 D 1.00
B- 2.67 D- 0.67
C+ 2.33 F 0.00


The class will be primarily lecture, group presentations, and group discussion. There may be some guest speakers and videos. There will also be a field trip to the Dallas County Juvenile Justice Center.


See attached.


Printed Journals:

American Psychologist
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Psychology Today


The Wilding of America by Charles Derber
The Culture of Disbelief by Stephen L. Carter
One-Sided Christianity by Ronald J. Sider
Cup of Water, Bread of Life by Ronald J. Sider
When the Bough Breaks by Sylvia Ann Hewlett
Dare to Discipline by James Dobson
God in the Dock by C. S. Lewis
Hollywood vs. America by Michael Medved
Too Old Too Soon by Doug Fields
The Disappearance of Childhood by Neil Postman
The Body by Charles Colson
Born Again by Charles Colson
Whatever Happened to the Human Race? by Francis Schaeffer
and C. Everett Koop
Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
Talking Power by Robin Tolmach Lakoff
Brain Sex by Anne Moir and David Jessel
God's Long Summer:  Stories of Faith and Civil Rights by Charles Marsh

Miscellaneous Student Information


But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.


Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.


Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thought. Let him turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him, and to our God, for He will freely pardon.