Psychology and Professional Counseling

American Journal of Orthopshychiatry

American Journal of Psychiatry

American Journal of Psychology

American Psychologist

Archives of General Psychiatry

British Journal of Psychology

Child Psychiatry and Human Development

Clinician’s Research Digest

Counseling Psychologist

Counseling Today

Developmental Psychology

Educational and Psychological Measurement

Education Digest

Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Journal of Applied Behavioral Science

Journal of Applied Psychology

Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Soc.

Journal of Personality

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment

Journal of Psychology and Christianity

Journal of Psychology and Theology

Journal of Social Psychology

Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences

Pastoral Psychology

Personnel Psychology

Professional Psychology

Psychological Abstracts

Psychological Bulletin


Psychology Today

Teaching of Psychology


 American Demographics

American Journal of Sociology (University of Chicago)

American Sociological Review (American Sociological Association)

American Sociologist

Census and You

Contemporary Sociology

Current Sociology (International Sociological Association - SAGE Publications)

Demography (Population Association of Amercia)


Journal of Asian Studies

Journal of Child Development

Journal of Contemporary African Studies

Journal of Heredity

Journal of Human Development

Journal of Marital and Family (Marriage and Family Living)

Journal of Negro Education

Journal of Popular Culture

Journal of Studies on Alcohol

Marriage and Family Review

National Civic Review

Population Index

Rural Sociology

Social Forces

Social Policy (Union Institute - Springfield College)

Social Research

Social Security Bulletin

Social Work (National Association of Social WOrkers)

Society (Rutgers)

Sociological Quarterly (Midwest Sociological Quarterly)

Sociology and Social Research

South Texas Studies (Victoria College)

Unemployment in States and Local Areas

Youth and Society


The Journal of criminal law & criminology / Northwestern University School

Journal of criminal justice

The Journal of criminal law, criminology and police science

The Journal of research in crime and delinquency


Current Health

JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association

Note:  This list is not exhaustive.