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Outrageous Christian Scholars Society

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Outrageous Christian Scholars Society
Fall 2002

We will be reading and discussing Cornelius Plantinga’s new book:
Engaging God’s World: A Christian Vision of Faith, Learning and Living
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002)*

Strickland 211, 3:30 - 5:00pm

September 25 “Preface for Students”
Chp. 1 Longing and Hope
Chp. 2 Creation
October 30 Chp. 3 The Fall
Chp. 4 Redemption
November 20 Chp. 5 Vocation in the Kingdom



“In short, she is a person with a calling. She has been elected to be a follower of Jesus which means she has been elected to serve the kingdom of God. A Christian’s main vocation is to become a prime citizen of the kingdom of God — and this is true of every Christian, of artists and engineers as well as ministers and evangelists. All are called to mesh their kingdoms with those of other citizens in order to work together inside the kingdom of God” (p. 108).

*Each participant is required to acquire his or her own book!

Home Summer Institute

Outrageous Christian Scholars Society

OCSS Schedules Handouts Syllabi