
Don't You Believe It by A. J. Hoover, Moody, 1982, 132 pp. A great,
easy-to-read introduction to logical fallacies.
Availability: OutArguments, 3rd ed. by Anthony Weston, Hackett, 2001, 87 pp. A
short handbook on writ of Print

A Rulebook for ing papers and assessing arguments.
Availability: http://www.hozien.com/mih/arg/main.htm

Logic: The Right Use of Reason by Isaac Watts, reprinted by Soli Deo Gloria,
1998. The well-known hymn-writer was also an expert logician. His text on
logic was widely used for nearly two centuries and has recently been reprinted.
Availability: Check http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~sjreeves/cm/improve.html

"Evaluating the Arguments of Experts FAQ 1.0" by N.E. Barry Hofstetter. An
excellent overview of methods for analyzing expert arguments and spotting
logical fallacies.
Availability: http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~sjreeves/cm/experts.html

"Critical Thinking and Logic" by Douglas Wilson. Discusses the basics of
logical analysis and the difference between that and what is popularly styled
"critical thinking."
Availability: http://www.home-school.com/Articles/ThinkingAndLogic.html

ChristianLogic.com. A very well-done web site presenting logic from a
Christian perspective.
Availability: http://www.christianlogic.com/

"Basic Helps for Practical Reasoning". A nice tutorial on logical
argumentation in writing.
Availability: http://www.hu.mtu.edu/~dsulliva/classes/300aframe/reason.html

"The Logic Classroom". An online course on logical analysis. Links to several
excellent articles. Written from a Christian perspective.
Availability: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/carranza/

