Post-Colonialism and Biblical
An Overview
- The Creation Principle of Separation, Binding, and
(Genesis 1)
Is Christianity Guilty of Othering Post-Colonial Peoples?
Natural Revelation (Romans 1-2);
Worship (Ps 117);
Judgment (Amos 1-2; Rom 2);
Mercy (Jonah 4)
Inclusive of All Nations (Gen 12, Is 60, Matt 28, Eph 2:11-22, Gal 3, Rev 7, Rev 21)
Typological Truth (Acts 17)
- The Bible as Diversified MetanarrativeHermeneutics within
History and Community
(II Tim 3:16, Eph 4:11-17, I Jn 2:20-27, II Pet 1:19-21, Jer 17:9)
Diversity of the Biblical Canon
Communal Nature of Interpretation
Critical Self-knowledge and Epistemic Humility
Babel and Pentecost--Post-Colonial
Languages, Identities, and Biblical Models
Babel as a Judgment on Imperial Projects (Gen 11),
Pentecost as God Working Through Diversity (Acts 2)
Biblical Personhood and the
Postcolonial Self
Imago Dei (Gen 1-2)
Heart (Prov 4:23, 27:9, Deut 6:5, Rom 2:29, II Cor 3:3, Rom 1:32, II Cor 9:7, Heb 4:12)
Shalom: The Biblical Hope
for Justice & The Postcolonial Dilemma
(Is 4:2-6, Is 61:1-7, Is 62, 65:17-25. 66:12-16, Hosea 14, Joel 3:17-21, Amos 9:11-15,
Micah 4:15, 5:15, Zeph 3:9-20, Zech 3:10, 14, Luke 4:14-21, Matt 5:17-20, 7:28-29, Matt
25, John 7:25-43, Acts 1:1-11, Romans 8:18-25, I Cor 15:20-28, Phil 2:5-11, Col 1:9-14,
Heb 12:24-28, Rev 21-22)
The Bible, the Land, and
Postcolonial Mapping
Israel's Landedness
Israel's Landlessness
The Church
Diasporas: Israel, the Church, and Lessons
from Exile
Fair Treatment for the Exile (Deut 6:18-19, 27:19,Ex 22:21, Zech 78-10, Matt 25:35, Heb
Israels Diaspora (Lamentations, Ps 137, Dan 1-2, Dan 6, Jer 24, 29)
The Church's Diaspora (Jn 4:21-24, Acts 1: 8, 8:1-3, 8:10-11, 13:1-3, I Pet 1:1-2,
A Theology of the Cross & Postcolonial
(Is 53, Ps 22, Jn 3:16-17, I Jn 3:16-18, Mk 15:35-36, Lk 4:16-21, Rom 6, II Cor
1:3-7, 4:7-12, 5:11-6:2, Gal 3:13-14, Phil 1:29-30, 3:10, Heb 4:14-5:10, 9:11ff., I Pet
2:14-18, 2:21)
The Cross as Atonement
The Cross as Curse and Sign of Judgment
The Cross as Example of Love and Model for Suffering
The Cross' Healing, Cleansing, and Honoring