Age of Revolutions Resources




Another Philosophy of History and the Development of Bildung

Beyond the Enlightenment Key Concepts in Herder




Responses to the French Revolution


Wordsworth The Prelude Books First through Fourth

Wordsworth The Prelude Books Fifth through Eight

Wordsworth The Prelude Books Ninth and Tenth

Wordsworth The Prelude Books Eleventh through Thirteenth

Wordsworth and Christianity




An Introduction to Tocqueville and the Tensions in Democracy in America

Tocqueville on Democracy versus Aristocracy

Toulmin Method and Tocqueville Examples





Hegel and Social Ethics

Overview of Kierkegaard




Predecessors to Darwin

Darwin The Issues

Darwin Argument and Rhetoric

Sources of the Nineteenth-Century Species Debate






An Overview of the Thought of John Henry Newman

Online Texts of Newman's Works (website)

Apologia Chapters I & II

Apologia Chapters III & IV.1

Apologia Chapters IV.2 & V

The Structure of the Apologia


Newman and the Idea of a University




The Well-Made Plot

Mood, Class, Loss and Gain

Mood, Beauty, Impression, and Work in Uncle Vanya