The official Paideia College Society & University Honors Program Conference Schedule! |
2007 Paideia College Society Student Conference Announcement and Call for Papers!
10th Anniversary Paideia College Society & University Honors Program Student Conference, February 22-24, 2007
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Steve Garber Director of the Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture
Steven Garber has a classroom among many people in many places. Known as “a public teacher,” at the heart of his own calling is the longing that people understand the integral character of faith, vocation, and culture. He directs The Washington Institute, which has as its core conviction that the church and society are renewed as a richer, truer vision of calling is taught and practiced. The author of The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior. A Senior Fellow for the C.S. Lewis Institute, he was a contributor to the volumes, Faith Goes to Work: Reflections From the Marketplace and Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalogue, as well as to the Mars Hill Audio journal, Tacit Knowing, Truthful Knowing: The Life and Work of Michael Polanyi. A native of the great valleys of Colorado and California, he is married to Meg and with their children lives in Virginia where they are members of The Falls Church.
Special Guest Artist Singer-song writer and monster guitarist Brooks Williams
Brooks Williams is a stunning blues-soaked, rhythmic, and soulful guitarist. His musical vision spans continents and genres � blues, slide, swingin� jazz, fingerstyle � and manifests itself in a hybrid of funky chords, walking bass lines, and fiery leads. With influences as diverse as John Fahey, Michael Bloomfield, and Joseph Spence, it is pleasantly difficult to pin Williams down. He�s a guitarist, a songwriter, and an interpreter.