6.  How does the genre or performance expectations of a work shape its meaning?

  • What kind of work is the text? How does this shape the form it takes?
  • What intended purpose of the work? How does this influence its structure or language?
  • How is the work to be performed?
  • Is it to be read silently? Sung?
  • Does it need theatrical devices? Lights? Music? Costumes? Props?
  • Is the time or place in which it is read seem important to its meaning?
  • How is the audience expected to interact with the text?
  • Can it be changed in any way and still be the same work?

"All manner of thing shall be well/ When the tongues of flame are in-folded/ Into the crowned knot of fire/ And the fire and the rose are one." -- T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding