5.  How does the language itself influence the meaning of the text?

  • Can you paraphrase the text's meaning?
  • What is the tone of the language?
  • Do the words have any important connotations?
  • What kinds of images are important?
  • Do certain sensory elements (sight, sound, touch, smell, etc.) predominate?
  • Are colors used in particular ways?
  • Are any figures of speech used?
  • Do any symbols or allegories exist?
  • What kinds of sentences does the work favor?
  • How important are sound effects? Metrics? Rhyme? Rhythm?
  • Does the text contradict in any way?
  • Are there disruptions where it is impossible to decide what is meant?

"All manner of thing shall be well/ When the tongues of flame are in-folded/ Into the crowned knot of fire/ And the fire and the rose are one." -- T.S. Eliot, Little Gidding